Where can I find my shipment number? Where can I find my reference number?

About shipment number

You can find the shipment number in your confirmation email or on the collection manifest (under the barcode).

Did you know you can search for multiple shipments at once? Simply use a comma to separate the shipment numbers.

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About customer reference

This is an optional reference provided during the booking of the shipment. If you don't have one, please track using the shipment number.

Did you know you can search for multiple shipments at once? Simply use a comma to separate the references.

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Temporary surcharge

To continue providing our customers with the best possible service during this time, we are implementing a temporary surcharge on all FedEx Express and TNT international parcel and freight shipments, from April 6th until further notice.

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Whether it's a package, document or pallet, we'll get your goods where they need to be on time.

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More about TNT

Ship Easy with TNT

Shipping online has never been easier. Read on to find out which tool suits you best and how to ship online with TNT.

Get ready for Brexit

See our transition toolkit for details on any future changes you may need to make.

Learn Customer Successes in Asia, Middle East and Africa

Read on to learn more about our customers' successes and how we work together to help them grow their business.

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