TNT customers in the United States
No. For shipments that will be paid by a US or Canada customer, please use FedEx
If you are an existing FedEx account holder, you can continue to use your existing FedEx account for all your shipping needs. If you don’t have a FedEx account, click here. For shipments that will be paid by a TNT customer outside of the US and Canada, please use TNT customer service for these shipments.
An integration of this size always comes with some changes, but great customer service will remain a priority. As you start shipping with FedEx, you will benefit from our broad portfolio of services. To find out more about FedEx services, please contact FedEx customer service.
Your cut-off times will be based on the FedEx Express service available in your area. Pickups in the U.S. and Canada are done by FedEx Express couriers.
TNT and FedEx shipping applications are not integrated. If your account is being transitioned to FedEx, please use FedEx shipping tools, including to ship.
If your account has been transitioned, you can use FedEx to pick up your FedEx shipments.
Please ask FedEx customer service or your courier for FedEx supplies.
Please use the packaging provided by FedEx for FedEx shipments or your own packaging.
No. For shipments that will be paid by a US customer, please use FedEx.
Please contact TNT customer service by calling 1.800.558.5555 to make arrangements for pickup.
Please contact FedEx customer service for assistance.
No. You must use a FedEx account number when shipping with FedEx. To make TNT shipments, please call TNT customer service 1.800.558.5555.
Customers in the U.S. can no longer open an account with TNT.
FedEx shipments will be subject to FedEx payment and credit terms outlined in the FedEx Service Guide. For more information, please call FedEx customer service or visit
Please contact customer service or your sales representative to check for any rate changes. The terms and conditions of the FedEx Service Guide will apply to all FedEx shipments.
Until your TNT account is deactivated, you will continue to receive separate invoices from FedEx and TNT. Effective June 1, 2017, TNT account holders in the U.S. should only use FedEx services using their FedEx account and will receive invoices from FedEx.
Sign up for FedEx Billing Online to receive, review, pay and dispute invoices, all from one secure online location. FedEx Billing Online files must be imported into the tool before reports can be generated.
Successful integrations take time.
Our combined FedEx and TNT team is focused on making the transition as smooth as possible. At the forefront of our planning is maintaining the quality of service we provide our customers today. You will benefit from a full portfolio of solutions in the future, and we will keep you updated as progress is made on our integration.
If you are an existing FedEx customer, your courier and sales representative will remain the same. If you are a new FedEx customer, your courier and sales representative will be from FedEx.
We aim to make the use of our website as easy as possible. You may require Adobe® Reader® to view some of our downloads such as the TNT User Guide.
Our websites are optimised for IE 8, Safari 6, Firefox 33, Chrome 37 and all latest versions. The website provides a responsive design to ensure the best user experience on any type of devices such as smartphone or tablets.
You will not need to download any plug-ins to access TNT's websites.
To keep up to date you can sign up for our newsletter which informs you about the latest news and offers every month. Or visit TNT News. (Only available on specific countries).
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Please contact TNT customer service by calling 1.800.558.5555 or complete our customer support online form