FedEx / TNT Local Exchange (FedEx OnSite)

FedEx Australia's Local Exchange service delivers on our commitment to make shipment pick-ups as easy as possible. Click below to check your shipments delivery status or to arrange a re-delivery.

What is FedEx / TNT Local Exchange (FedEx OnSite)?

FedEx / TNT Local Exchange (FedEx OnSite) is a network of more than 1,400 local businesses around Australia that offer shipment collection points. This network provides customers with the ability to collect their FedEx and/or TNT shipment at a time and location that’s convenient for them.

FedEx / TNT Local Exchange (FedEx OnSite) includes locations within the area of delivery such as independent newsagents and service stations – many with extended trading hours, seven-day-a-week accessibility.


> Click here for FedEx / TNT Local Exchange Location (FedEx OnSite) Explorer

If you have further questions about the FedEx / TNT Local Exchange service, please submit your enquiry via this webform or phone the TNT Customer Experience team on 13 11 50.

TNT Local Exchange FAQs

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