Where's my parcel?

Looking to confirm the status your parcel? Do you need a Proof of Delivery (POD) confirmation?

Make the most of our Mobile Services by sending your consignment number or customer reference to 0408 620 309 to receive real-time updates on your consignment's status, direct to your mobile.


Missed a home delivery? Click here to use your 'Sorry We Missed You' card to check the status of your parcel or to organise a re-delivery to a local newsagency at a time convenient to you using FedEx-TNT Local Exchange (FedEx OnSite).

International Shipment? Click here to track an International shipment using TNT Track and Trace.

Unable to track your parcel? Do you need a Proof of Delivery (POD) confirmation? If you have any queries please fill in your details below and a Customer Care representative will be in touch.

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